The influence of the extraterrestrial factor on humanity
Written by a Brazilian civil engineer who is an amateur ufologist with an intense, innate analytical curiosity about the ufological phenomenology, this book relates the most important UFO cases and the main secret projects worldwide. Religions, legends, and mythologies are discussed in their not always realized intimate interrelationship with the UFO phenomenon. Recurrent, extraordinary phenomena such as strange lights, deafening noises heard around the planet, signs in the sky, craters suddenly opening on Earth, though appearing to be isolated facts, will be shown to be directly connected with the UFO phenomenon, not to mention anomalous occurrences that have been haunting us humans for ages, i.e. ghosts, fairies, gnomes, mermaids, saints, demons, reptilians, you name it. The author draws a bridge between our material 3rd dimension world and the spiritual 4th dimension, proving how much humanity has been deceived due to our spiritual ignorance, besides showing solid evidence that we owe benevolent ETs (members of the Galactic Community) our very survival as a species. The referenced YouTube videos feature the best footage of sightings, interviews with UFO experts, and abductees/contactees from all over the world. Almost 300 video links have been carefully selected for all the topics covered. As vast as the UFO subject is, the readers will see that there is no consensus even among the greatest experts and that many individuals being contacted by some extraterrestrials may be purposely being deceived by the latter. All in all, mankind needs and deserves to be aware that the Extraterrestrial Factor has been and continues to be crucial in our development and continuity as an intelligent species. This book’s goal is to guide self-taught readers to increasingly deeper levels of knowledge of the UFO phenomenon and, ultimately, everyone’s self-knowledge and awareness as galactic beings. The hundreds of questions posed over the several chapters are answered in the light of holistic science in contrast with current orthodox science, reminding us that all living beings are much more than mere combinations of chemical elements, for the fundamental nature of everything is spiritual. We are God having evolutionary experiences in physical bodies!
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